Friday, March 31, 2017

Fixed deposits and house

I created another fixed deposit (FD) today. Given the interest of the normal saving account is miserly low, I reckoned placing my savings in the FD is a wiser choice. In terms of savings, from now till July, the additional savings of 5k would be used as a seed money to generate a passive income.

On a side note, I placed 6 dollars worth of bets on 4D and Toto. This is not an entry to encourage betting behaviour. Rather, it's a signal to the condition of my heart with regards to work. I am feeling beat up and hoping that 6 dollars worth of bets could buy me out of my situation ie. job and housing woes.

God, I confess I hope to win from the 4D and Toto so that I would not use my 6 bucks in vain. I hope to use my winnings to settle my house and my parents' house. I want to leave my job! Have mercy on me. Let your will be done. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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